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Anterior and posterior rhinoplasty of Chaotian rhinoplast

发布时间: 2019-07-04 09:15:04 作者:admin

        Chaotian nose and short nose mean that the appearance of the nose is short, that is, the distance from the nose to the tip of the nose is shorter than normal, often accompanied by a decrease in the height of the nose, and the nasal bone is generally wider and lower than normal. The beautiful nose should be a gentle curve, and the tip of the nose should be tilted up a bit. However, if the length of the nose is short and the tip of the nose is insufficient, it will become a nose.
        Most people who do this surgery have a lower nose bridge, so it is better to fill the prosthesis with a high nose bridge. The method used by people who do not have an excessively upward position at the end of the nose or who are not short in the nose. The alar cartilage and the septal cartilage are transplanted into the autologous tissue, such as the ear cartilage, the septal cartilage, etc., to make the nose longer.

       The cartilage at the end of the nose (alar cartilage) and the cartilage at the central part of the nose (the lateral cartilage) are separated, and the short nasal end is pulled down, and then the nasal septum which is taken out in advance is filled therein. Acting as a pillar, the nose end is no longer raised.

       Tips: There may be swelling within three days after surgery, and ice can be applied properly to help reduce swelling. Fasting spicy foods one week after surgery, it is best to eat liquid food or semi-liquid food, which is conducive to rapid recovery.
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